Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Time flies

So Feeder 3 casually mentioned that I'll be going home next week. Reeaalllyyy??!

I'm not buyin' it cause I haven't seen a speck of salmon or shrimp yet (wasn't that in the brochure?). And man oh man, is she stingy with the cat nip!! I bet she's saving it for herself.

In any case, I guess it hasn't been that bad. She's a pretty good sport when it comes to hide-n-seek....

Where's Rejjie??? Hmmmm, not here....              

But wait.....

Could it be????

And it has been fun to play might hunter in the jungle of curtains.....

nobody can see me as
I sneak stealthily
from one hideout to the next....

Until I'm done.

I think I need a nap.....

One of my favorite places to sleep
has been this cool bag she brought
home for me from work.

I mean, what else could it be for?

And even though I never got my homemade afghan, she does splurge on expensive toys:

So...I'm really going home. Well, I've learned exactly how to make her feel guilty for leaving me....

Let's see how she feels when I'm the one leaving. Hah!

I know she'll miss me.

Yup. She's gonna miss me bad.